How a Retractable Roof created a place to play

retractable roof covering child playing

When we talk about creating a “third space”, we usually think of designing a place where we can go to relax and unwind. Since the addition of two retractable roofs, this Northern Beaches family has created a different kind of “third space” – one where the children just love to play!

This family home has much to offer a growing family – great location, plenty of space, a wonderful backyard and even a swimming pool. The problem they had, however, was with a northwest facing backyard, it became too hot in the summer for them to be outside. The two umbrellas provided some relief but were not sufficient. Also when it rained, the three boys were confined inside the house to play.

Initially, three Papilio roofs were proposed as per the illustration. After consideration, an alternative design was agreed upon with two, three-runner Papilio roofs. One at 6.5m wide x 4m projection and the other, 5.7m wide x 2.60m projection.

House without a reatractable awning
sketched design of retractable roof for family home
Initial design

The roofs were installed above the existing tiled roof so that when the fabric is retracted, the warmth of the winter sun is maximised. It also provides a greater sense of space underneath the roofs and allows sufficient slope for drainage. The supporting structure was powder coated white to match the house. After much deliberation, the clients opted for a white translucent fabric to ensure maximum light, rather than opaque fabric, which is great for hiding leaves and debris but blocks out all light.

retractable roof extended over outdoor area with children playing outside

The result is a wonderful area that is extensively used by the children to play in all weather conditions. The outdoor table has become their favourite playroom and is often covered in dinosaurs, Lego, tractors and all manner of exciting games and toys!

Of course, mum and dad also get to enjoy the outdoor living space whilst the children play in the yard or when they are happily tucked up in bed after a busy day.

It delighted the Aalta team immensely to hear our happy customer say (and I quote),

“Three things changed my life this year – my Thermomix, my Dyson Hand Held Vacuum Cleaner and our new Aalta Retractable Roof!” (mum).

It’s music to our ears!

Mother and child under a retractable roof

If you think a Retractable Roof might help change your life (well your outdoor area), we would love to hear from you!

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